Q: What is Jonbec Care, Inc.?
A: Jonbec Care, Inc. is a company located in the inland empire of California that provides services for individuals and families of the intellectually disabled community. Our services include but are not limited to: 24/7 nursing and residential care, medical monitoring, regular health screenings (from licensed medical staff), recuperative and/or rehabilitation services, respite care, and skill building and reinforcement.
For more information, please feel free to contact us at:
Jonbec Care, Inc.
1711 Plum Lane
Redlands, CA 92374
Phone # 909 - 798 - 4003
Fax # 909 - 798 - 4144
Q: What is a day program and what services do they offer?
A: Day programs or day centers are facilities that specialize in providing care and special skill building and training with members of the intellectual disability community. At the day programs, your family member is able to interact and socialize with their peers in the community as well as enjoy a variety of activities and learning opportunities throughout the day.
We provide scheduled activities and offer a steady routine for our consumers for at least 4 hours of the day Monday through Friday. These activities include but are not limited to: physical exercise, arts and crafts, language skill building, physical therapy, speech therapy, ADLs (Average daily living skills), and much more.
Our aim is to keep our consumers as engaged and interactive as possible while maintaining and building upon current skill sets in a relaxed and safe atmosphere. The day programs have program aides trained in teaching and assisting our consumers in their activities during the day including but not limited to personal hygiene, skill building, and recreational activities.
In addition to being great teachers to our consumers, all staff have certification in basic first aid and CPR and a nurse (LVN) is on-site during business hours at all times in case of a severe medical emergency.
Q: Are services only for enrolled students?
A: Yes, unfortunately we only provide these services to those enrolled at either of our day program locations, Plum Lane Learning Center in Redlands, CA and Yucaipa Adult Day Center in Yucaipa, CA.
However, the resources and videos on this site is open to the public and may be used whether you are or are not enrolled:
ACTIVITIES - Websites we use to get ideas for arts and crafts and various other activities during this pandemic!
ZOOM LEARNING TOPICS - A collection of videos we use from YouTube in our teaching sessions as well as a few videos made by staff at Jonbec!
Q: My phone is so slow! What do I do?
A: Running or daily exercise helps! Encourage your phone to live a more active lifestyle!
Q: Why did the chicken cross the street?
A: There was probably a Costco there. They seriously have everything.
Q: Who took my cookies?
A: Dude, I don't know. Where did you last see them?