January 2021 Activities
Monday, January 4
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Free Draw and Color - Let your creativity flow! Draw or color whatever you desire!
10:30am - Table top activities
11:00am -Exercise/ROM
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Proper Hand Washing Review! Everything starts with good hand hygiene!
1) Proper Hand Washing Video /
Tuesday, January 5
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Spanish 101 - Numbers 21-30
10:30am - Water Stimulation Activity
11:00am - Basketball/Ball toss
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Fire Safety Drill! Let's review safe practices and what to do during a fire!
1) What to do in case of an Electrical Fire
Wednesday, January 6
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Creative Color 1
10:30am - Virtual Bingo
11:00am - Massage Therapy
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Isolation/Quarantine and Proper Disinfection protocols!
1) When to Isolate or Quarantine and how to do it!
2) Cleaning and Disinfecting your Facility
Thursday, January 7
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Arts and Crafts - Paper Owl
10:30am - Music of Choice
11:00am - Zumba
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Proper Waste Disposal! Separate potentially infectious material!
1) Waste Management during Pandemic
Friday, January 8
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Cooking Class w/ Annalisa! - Jalapeno Popper Wontons
10:30am - Movie Day!
11:00am - Outdoor Walk
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Cross contamination, infection control and universal precautions! Let's all continue to practice infection safety and protect ourselves and others!
Monday, January 11
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Free Draw and Color - Let your creativity flow! Draw or color whatever you desire!
10:30am - Table top activities
11:00am - Exercise/ROM
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Safe Food Handling Practices!
1) Basics for Food Handling Safety! - Review the Do's and Don'ts of proper food handling!
2) Safe Food Temperatures - Use and review this when cooking or preparing food! Never guess or risk undercooking your food again!
Tuesday, January 12
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Spanish 101 - Telling time
10:30am - Tabletop Bowling
11:00am - Basketball/Ball Toss
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Mask Review! Types of masks, how and when to use them, and the DO's and DONT's of mask use!
Wednesday, January 13
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Creative Color 1
10:30am - Virtual Bingo
11:00am - Massage Therapy
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Emergency First Aid Basics!
Thursday, January 14
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Arts and Crafts - Snowman name plate, Template (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 )
10:30am - Music of Choice
11:00am - Zumba
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Hypothermia Warning Signs!
1) CDC recommendations for Hypothermia and Cold Weather
Friday, January 15
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Cooking w/ Annalisa - Dump Cake!
10:30am - Movie Day!
11:00am - Outdoor Walk
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Preparing for a second lockdown and home safety tips! Get support and prepare mentally and physically for the difficulty ahead!
2) Staying safe at home during lockdown
Monday, January 18
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Free Draw and Color - Let your creativity flow! Draw or color whatever you desire!
10:30am - Table top activities
11:00am - Exercise/ROM
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Coping with Stress during COVID-19!
Today is Martin Luther King Jr Day! Let's celebrate by learning a little about the life of this influential and amazing man!
Tuesday, January 19
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Spanish 101 - Vegetables
10:30am - Water stimulation activity
11:00am - Basketball/Ball toss
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Importance of water to human health!
Wednesday, January 20
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Creative Color 1
10:30am - Virtual Bingo
11:00am - Massage Therapy
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Extreme Wind Conditions!
Thursday, January 21
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Arts and Crafts - Handprint Sun
10:30am - Music of Choice
11:00am - Zumba
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Benefits of Sunlight!
Friday, January 22
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Cooking class w/ Annalisa! - Elote!
10:30am - Movie Day!
11:00am - Outdoor Walk
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Impact of human interaction on health!
2) Social interaction and mental health
Monday, January 25
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Free Draw and Color - Let your creativity flow! Draw or color whatever you desire!
10:30am - Table top activities
11:00am - Exercise/ROM
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Heavy rainfall precautions! Stay safe during the rainy season!
1) Heavy Rain and Storm Safety Tips!
Today is also National Bubble Wrap day! Click HERE for the history of bubble wrap!
Tuesday, January 26
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Spanish 101 - Fruits
10:30am - Table top bowling
11:00am - Basketball/Ball Toss
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Snow Safety!
Wednesday, January 27
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Creative Color 1
10:30am - Virtual Hangman!
11:00am -Massage Therapy
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Preventative Care! Regular doctor visits save lives! Follow up regularly and not just when you
1) Reasons not to miss a doctor appointment!
Thursday, January 28
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - New Years Word Search / New Year's Word Scramble
10:30am - Music of Choice
11:00am - Zumba
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Being a good advocate! Maintaining Client's Rights, independence, and their ability to make right decisions!
Friday, January 29
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack..
10:00am - Cooking w/ Annalisa: Blueberry Pancakes!
10:30am - Movie Day
11:00am - Outdoor Walk
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Zoom Tutorial! Let's learn the basics of zoom!