October 2020 CALENDAR
Thursday, October 1
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Music of Choice (National Music Day!)
10:30am - Dancing
11:00am - Balance exercises
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Severe weather conditions (Cold weather)
Click HERE for tips to follow during severe cold weather condition from the CDC!
Friday, October 2
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Zoom Spanish 101 - Numbers 1-10
10:30am - Movie Day!
11:00am - Zumba!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Universal Precautions! Learn HERE how to handle infectious materials safely!
Monday, October 5
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - ball toss
10:30am - Money skills
11:00am - Board games of choice
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch.
Today's Learning Topic: Infection control and cross contamination during food handling
Click HERE to navigate to our zoom learning section to watch a few videos on food safety!
Tuesday, October 6
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Tabletop activities
10:30am - Spa day! (Hand and foot massages)
11:00am - exercise/ROM
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Virus vs Bacteria
Click HERE to learn the differences between these micro powerhouses!
Wednesday, October 7
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Simple Leaf Craft (click here for detailed directions)
10:30am - Sensory stimulation activities
11:00am - Basketball (indoor or outdoor)
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch.
Learning topic for today: Flu Virus
Click HERE for more information on the Flu!
It is also National Frappe Day! Click HERE for a quick and easy recipe video to make your own Frappes!
Thursday, October 8
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Crazy Hair Day!
10:30am - Creative coloring pages
11:00am - Beachball volleyball
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch.
Learning topic for today: Poisoning
What is poisoning and what can you do? Click HERE to find out!
Poisoned, or think you may be? Call (800) 222-1222 for Poison Control Center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Friday, October 9
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Zoom Cooking with Annalisa! - Pumpkin Muffins (HERE is the Pintrest Link for the recipe!)
10:30am - Tabletop bowling
11:00am - Movie Day
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch.
Today is Breast Cancer Awarness day! Cancer is the topic for today's lesson!
What is cancer? Click HERE for more information!
Monday, October 12
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Seasons of the Year coloring pages
10:30am - Halloween Alphabet Learning!
11:00am - Outdoor walk (weather permitting)
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's Learning Topic: Vaccines
Click HERE for a quick view on how vaccines work!
Tuesday, October 13
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Halloween Brain Teasers
10:30am - Exercise/ROM
11:00am - Watercolor painting!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch.
Today's Learning Topic: Proper Nutrition
Click HERE for information on proper nutrition!
Wednesday , October 14
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Bald head day! (National Francisco Day!) Be bald, be free, be proud! Click here for reasons being bald is great!
10:30am - Social distancing greetings coloring page
11:00am - Stretches
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch.
Today's Learning Topic: Behavioral Management Techniques!
Click HERE for a quick synopsis and guide to managing behaviors!
Thursday , October 15
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Sports Jersey Day! Wear your favorite Jersey! It is also I Love Lucy day! Enjoy some fun videos and trivia with us!
10:30am - Halloween Coloring pages
11:00am - Zumba
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's Learning Topic: The Great Shakedown
Join us to learn about earthquake safety and preparation!
Friday , October 16
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Zoom Pictionary
10:30am - Boss day! (Thank you for bossing us around!) Make a card for your favorite bosses!
11:00am - Movie Day
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's learning topic: Emotional stressors and support
We are also learning about wolves today! Click HERE for a neat informational video from National Geographic!
Monday , October 19
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Zoom "Who wants to be a millionaire"
10:30am - Red Leaf Suncatcher
11:00am - BUE Edema - Massage Therapy
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's Learning Topic: Handwashing Review! Let's review the basics!
Tuesday , October 20
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Zoom Bunco - Halloween themed!
10:30am - Autumn word search
11:00am -Halloween I Spy game!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's learning topic: Social Distancing review!
International Sloth Day! Click HERE for an awesome video about sloths!
Wednesday , October 21
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Halloween Color Identification worksheet!
10:30am - Music of choice
11:00am - Ball toss
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's Learning Topic: Glove use! Donning and Doffing! Review!
Thursday , October 22
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Color Day! Wear your favorite color!
10:30am - Relaxation time
11:00am - Board Games of choice
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's learning topic: Wearing Masks! Review!
National Dog Day! Give some love to your 4-legged furry friends!
Friday , October 23
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Zoom Arts and Crafts Demonstration - Pumpkin Lanterns
10:30am - Tabletop activities
11:00am - Movie Day
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's Learning Topic: PPE usage! Donning and doffing review! Click HERE to go to zoom learning section to watch PPE donning and doffing video!
Monday, October 26
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Pumpkin Bowling!
10:30am - Halloween Charades!
11:00am - Zumba
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's Learning Topic: High Wind Warnings and Safety Precautions!
Tuesday, October 27
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Fall Scavenger Hunt
10:30am - Leaf Rubbing Activity
11:00am - Balance exercises
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's Learning topic: Importance of sleep - click HERE for a comprehensive guide to understanding why we sleep!
Today is also National Black Cat Day! Click HERE for a video on the myths surrounding these furry friends!
Wednesday, October 28
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Zoom Chocolate Graveyards with Annalisa!
10:30am - Creative Color
11:00am - Exercise/ROM
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Todays learning topic: Mask review! Click HERE for a CDC infographic on choosing the right mask and mask wearing and disposal basics!
Dodgers win! Congratulations to the Los Angeles Dodgers on a 2020 World Series Championship! The Dodgers won the series 4-2 in a stunning 3-1 win versus the Tampa Bay Rays!
Thursday, October 29
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Zoom Halloween Bingo!
10:30am - Halloween Trivia Quiz
11:00am - Outdoor walk!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's learning topic: Environmental Awareness! Being more eco-conscious for a better future!
Friday, October 30
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Zoom "A Spooky Halloween" Drawing game
10:30am - Zoom Costume contest!
11:00am - Halloween Movie Day
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Today's Learning Topic: Review of COVID-19 protocols! A general review of what to do if someone you know or work with is COVID positive!