July 2021 Activities
Thursday, July 1
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Arts and Crafts - Patriotic Windsock! / Star Template
10:30am - Music of Choice
11:00am - Free dance!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: COVID-19 Vaccine
What to expect after getting a COVID-19 vaccine
Today we also will enjoy some virtual Scuba Diving!
1) Scuba Diving - Molokini Crater
3) Shark Cage Diving - South Africa!
4) Swimming with Sharks! - Oahu
Friday, July 2
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Cooking Class - Red, White, and Blue Cupcakes!
10:30am - Movie Day!
11:00am - Outdoor Walk!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: What do you know about Coronavirus?
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
4th of July Celebrations!
1) Disneyland 4th of July Fireworks!
Monday, July 5
No Day Program Today! Have a Happy 4th of July!
Tuesday, July 6
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - ASL Class - Family Members!
10:30am - Tabletop Bowling
11:00am - Indoor/Outdoor Basketball
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: how COVID - 19 vaccine works
How vaccines work against COVID-19: Science, Simplified
Hawaiin Dancers!
1) Little Big Shots Video - Hawaiian Hula Dancer!
Wednesday, July 7
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Creative Color 1 / 2 / July I Spy / Summer Word Search
10:30am - Virtual Bingo
11:00am - Boardgames of Choice!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: COVID-19 Vaccine information
Why you can't compare Covid-19 vaccines
Visit Hawaii!
Thursday, July 8
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Arts and Crafts - Patriotic Wind Catcher
10:30am - Music of Choice
11:00am - Zumba
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Emotional support during COVID-19 Pandemic
Hawaii Tour continued!
2) Kalawau, HI
Friday, July 9
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Cooking Class - Portugese Malasadas!
10:30am - Movie Day!
11:00am - Outdoor Walk!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Boosting mental wellbeing during the pandemic!
The Five Ways to Wellbeing - boosting mental wellbeing
Hawaii Tour Continued!
3) Maui Tour!
Monday, July 12
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Free Draw and Color!
10:30am - Tabletop Activities!
11:00am - Exercise/ROM
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Understanding Cognitive Development.
Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development
All about pets!
Tuesday, July 13
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - ASL Class - Colors
10:30am - Tabletop Bowling
11:00am - Volleyball!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Covid-19 and Variants
Why so many Covid-19 variants are showing up now
National Monuments!
Wednesday, July 14
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Hidden Pictures 1 / 2 / Creative Color!
10:30am - Virtual Bingo
11:00am - boardgames of choice!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Coping with Stress during COVID-19
Coping With Stress & Caring for Mental Health During COVID-19
Thursday, July 15
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Arts and Crafts - Paper Plate Fan
10:30am - Music of Choice
11:00am - Free dance!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: How Pandemic bring a boosting of innovation
How covid-19 is boosting innovation
Friday, July 16
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am -
10:30am - Movie Day!
11:00am - Outdoor Walk
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: What pandemic taught us about work
4 lessons the pandemic taught us about work, life and balance
Monday, July 19
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Free Draw and Color!
10:30am - Tabletop Activities!
11:00am - Sensory Stimulation Activities!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Help others during pandemic
10 ways to help people during the pandemic
10 places to visit at California
Tuesday, July 20
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - ASL Class - Foods!
10:30am - Tabletop Bowling
11:00am - Indoor/Outdoor Soccer
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Volunteer during Pandemic
Wednesday, July 21
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Color by Number / Patterns Worksheet
10:30am - Virtual Bingo
11:00am - Boardgames of Choice
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: What are Germs ?
Thursday, July 22
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Arts and Crafts - Coffee Filter Dragonfly
10:30am - Music of Choice
11:00am - Zumba
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Infectious Diseases - How do we control them?
Friday, July 23
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Cooking Class! Video! - Easy Homemade Chicken Quesadilla!
10:30am - Movie Day!
11:00am - Outdoor Walk!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: COVID-19 Animation: What Happens If You Get Coronavirus?
Monday, July 26
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Free Draw and Color!
10:30am - Tabletop Activities!
11:00am - Exercise/ROM
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: The Delta Variant: What You Should Know
Indoor Cycling Videos With Music | Virtual Bike Ride
Tuesday, July 27
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - ASL Class - Conversational Sign Language
10:30am - Tabletop Bowling
11:00am - Indoor/Outdoor Basketball
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: What You Need To Know About Handwashing
WASHINGTO Virtual Bike Ride - Washington DC - August 10, 2020
Wednesday, July 28
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Creative Color 1 / 2 / July Word Scramble
10:30am - Virtual Bingo
11:00am - Boardgames of Choice
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: How to Clean and Disinfect Your Home if Someone has COVID-19
Thursday, July 29
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Arts and Crafts - Paper Plate Beach Ball
10:30am - Music of Choice
11:00am - Free Dance
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Demonstration of Donning (Putting On) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Friday, July 30
8:00am - Virtual Good Morning
8:30am - Morning ADLs
9:00am - Hand-washing
9:30am - AM snack
10:00am - Cooking Class - Monkey Bites
10:30am - Movie Day!
11:00am - Outdoor Walk!
11:30a - Hand- washing
12:00pm - Lunch
Learning topic for today: Shopping for Food and Other Household Essentials